So this is me. Lulu. I live in a sweet 1950's weatherboard house in suburban Australia with my mini tribe of children.
Angsty Teen Queen
Cyclone the 5 year old boy child, and
Betty Boo the baby.
Also featuring in my life is Ex Husband #1 Aquaman and Ex Husband #2 Scorpio.
Apparently it's unusual but the 3 of us are friends and co-parents. It's easier to maintain a friendship when you don't have to share your space or wash their socks.
I love to renovate and redecorate my little house. Since becoming a stay at home mumma I have learnt to do this on a minimal/non existent budget. I'm a brilliant fixer-upper and have come a long way from my early years when my tools consisted of a stiletto and a butter knife. I have POWER tools now. There will be more on this later.....
I also love to cook and feed my family but sadly my kitchen is as 1950's original as the rest of the house - the kitchen reno budget was soon used as extended maternity leave, which is a no-brainer really but also the source of daily swearing and grinding of teeth. I have tiles dropping off, cupboards that won't stay closed and STUPID drawers that cannot be accessed unless you open 2 or more cupboard doors. Get your head around that one...
I also have no oven - I only have myself to blame because in typical Lulu Style I happily ripped the old crusty one out shortly after I moved in. Before I had a new one, when I was running a busy home business and didn't have time to organise the new kitchen which has in turn never materialised...sigh. So my skills are rusty now. Well now I have new ones - like how to feed a family of four with a silly benchtop turbo oven.
I'm also a semi dedicated gardener and vegie grower. I adore everything that grows and never stop marvelling over the wonders of nature. I believe food is medicine, blooms fill your soul and nature is freaking AWESOME. We have much to be thankful for.
I'm about to start rejuvenating the vegetable patch - I just hope I don't lose the next crop the same way I did the last. Weeks of 40+ deg heat murdered the lot.
Wow, big first post. But I do talk alot as you will find out....
Cheers xoxoxo
I don’t give a rip about Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby is all over the news. You can read the transcripts of his court
testimony from 2005. You can read that his wife believes the victims
willingly ...
In bizarre serendipity Luce, I am doing a rewind linky for first posts. And then I go to my stat counter thingo, and THIS post of yours is listed.
I miss you. When I come to your blog I never know whether to grin or cry. Or both.
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