Tuesday, December 29, 2009

OMG Guitar Hero

This is only the funnest ever game in the universe. FUNNEST. EVER.

I’m not a fan of most games Wii, PS3 or Atari….I just don’t have the attention span. I love the shooting at the screen games, but the ones where you have to go through 80000000000 scenes and pick up a magic flute, jump and and down 15 times on the spot whilst pressing A + B and Z in a certain order bores me to tears. I must admit I think I got Guitar Hero mixed up with Air Guitar silliness. I thought you just jumped around in front of the screen like a spaz and got points for wearing spandex. How wrong I was.

At the celebration evening of the birthday of my dear friend The Force there were cocktails and 4 axe (tee hee) guitar hero games.

Here is the Girl Band FAIL. The Girl Band are the dark ones, the FAIL part is the blonde tressed ladies who in NO time had the crowd booing us off the stage through sheer un co-ordination and lack of skill.

We laughed, we cried…..and everyone was kind enough to let me have a turn with my guitar set to MONG after some intense coaching by one of the Masters. My sides and my arms were still hurting the next day. Good times, awesome PATIENT friends.


Nelle said...

ROFL at your guitar set to MONG! Ohh seriously I am laughing Lu. Bahahahaa! Too funny. Ah well, I'm sure all the legends started somewhere...